In 2020 we worked with a UK company to redesign three products making up an environmental monitoring system. The system comprises of:
- An optical probe
- Battery powered probe head transmitter using lower power radio (LoRa)
- An AC/DC and solar powered Receiver/ Data Concentrator using Lora and GSM to relay information to the internet.
- Key performance targets were to achieve very long battery life, high accuracy sensing of opacity, and EMC conformance to railway standards for trackside use.
- SG Designs liaised with custom enclosure and metal work vendors to design the enclosures.
Optical Probe
A special demodulation technique was employed to reject ambient light.
Optical parts precisely aligned by PCB and bracket design.
Housed in IP68 sealed transparent extrusion.
Probe head unit
Battery powered with greater than 10 year life. UHF LoRa radio link. Atmel processor communicating with optical probe.
IP68 rated enclosure.
AC/DC and Solar panel powered Data Concentrator.
Atmel processor, LiOn rechargeable battery, weather proof steel enclosure.
Contact SG Designs
5 College Court,
End of Ryles Park Road
Macclesfield, Cheshire
SK11 8HN, England
Call: 01625 434264
Mobile: 07775690992